Content to Choose From
Add Games From Our Content Library
We provide numerous unique content, built specifically for VR attractions by our content lab:
- for PlayVR setups: captivating, competitive 10-minute action games, targeted to specific audiences; PlayVR features games of different genres, for adults and children, both single and multiplayer
- for PolygonVR setups: fully immersive PvP and PvE battles, with cross-arena multiplayer, full-body tracking and streaming across media channels; PolygonVR content combines virtual reality gaming, reality show scenario and computer games.
Add Games From Steam
Steam games, compatible with the PlayVR setup, can be added to the game library available on locations. We constantly monitor game usage and adjust the game library accordingly.
We choose games considering:
- A game is available under commercial game license
- Has dynamic and captivating gameplay
- Can be finished in 10/30 minutes
- Suitable for various players: families, kids, a bunch of friends, couples, a single visitor
- Supplies a want of a specific type of content: shooters zombie fighting, action, child game, group action, etc.
For the purposes of distributing Steam games on PlayVR locations we’ve created a corporate Personal Account in Steam and locations. Each location has its own SteamVR Server as well as personal accounts for each game machine.
Initially, games are selected by the content manager based on its popularity on SteamVR website or approved requests from Platform Users. After successful payment acquired licenses by default extend to all sites.
Platform Steam License Monitoring – graph displaying the number of simultaneously used licenses – helps to determine the demand on each particular game and therefore the need for acquiring additional licenses. In the future notifications on the shortage or excess will be pushed to the Administrative Panel.
Add Your Own Content
Both PlayVR and PolygonVR is able to work with almost any content meets several simple requirements. The Platform provides the launch of the game content using a special software, also known as Agent, which is to be installed on the same game client computer as the Software. The Agent launches the content build with several CLI parameters, that content needs to recognize.
Also, the content can game session statistics and any other data to the Global Server (for enabling such features as tournament top-scores).
Thus, to be integrated into the Platform a content have to:
- Operate in a game zone calibrated for SteamVR
- Provide simple CLI arguments for starting and stopping game session (any other arbitrary arguments can be used as well)
If the content is able to send useful data somewhere – great, we are ready to store and use it in Global Server.
PolygonVR setup requires some more customization. So we’ve prepared ready-to-use plugins for Unreal Engine 4 to make the integration painless:
- The base plugin for handling players body animations and game controller event
- The game mechanic plugin contained useful PolygonVR mechanics:
- Moving platforms, teleports, interaction with the game world and objects, respawn system, etc.
- Players “ghosts”
- Geometry boundary restrictions
- Voice chats
- Waiting “lobby” and tutorial for game calibration and weapon handling
- Broadcasting: mocap camera, director interface
- Game admin toolkit and framework
The content may have embedded scoring system (for instance RevolVR, WOT VR, PolygonVR content). During the session the game sends players’ scores: basic metrics such as accuracy, number of kills, etc., and a final calculated score, to the Local Server. Scores are stored in the local database, synchronized with the Global Server via API, which allows the Platform display scores on the Promo Screen and hold tournaments with global rating.
Content Posting
The content may provide an API to send files from the game. The Platforms server then proceed them and post to social network of e-mail.
For instance, player can draw pictures in VR that can be sent to them with a templated mail (if an email was given during a registration in the Local App), posted to Instagram (WIP: release on 2nd quarter of 2020) or printed out from the option in the Side Menu of the Local App.